[Work experience 3]

Saturday and Sunday passed quickly. On Monday, when Nishino should have been at school, he visited a general hospital in Tokyo. It was a hospital facility where he would spend the next three days as part of his work experience. In addition to him, Rose, Gabriella, the chairwoman, Takeuchi-kun, Risa-chan, and Ogino-kun was also at the hospital. 

There were also a number of other students wearing Tsunuma High School uniforms. These were the students who were going to participate in the work experience in the normal way. Nishino, however, was not familiar with them. 

They were gathered in a meeting room in the hospital where they were given an orientation. Takeuchi's dad, one of the directors of the hospital, gave them a first-hand description of what they would be doing during their work experience. His dad is quite a handsome man, as is his greedy son, Takeuchi-kun. 

He is in his early forties. He is a nice middle-aged man with a combination of calmness and dignity. He was dressed in a neat suit and white coat, which gave the students a sense of his dignity as a doctor. The next half day was spent touring the hospital and introducing the various departments. 


They were divided into several groups and went around the hospital. Nishino and his friends were grouped together with those from Class 2A. The nurses and doctors lead the group through the outpatient department, laboratories and other facilities of the hospital.

Nishino and Rose, on the other hand, walked along without showing any particular reaction. The former, in particular, has a lot of experience for his age, having been taken care in a hospital many times in the past.

"What a big machine..." 

Risa murmured while visiting the clinical laboratory and receiving an explanation.

She gazed at the futuristic-looking equipment on the opposite side of the counter, which looked like a dishwasher and a computer display combined. As the only daughter of the Kondo Clinic, she seems to have a certain interest in medical equipment.

"That would be an automatic analyser used for blood tests. It is used to test for infectious diseases and tumour indicators. It's cheaper than the MRI machines that we saw, but with that you could probably buy a couple of luxury cars." 

"I didn't know they used this kind of machine for blood tests ......"


"This is unique because it is not available in small clinics. Private hospitals send their samples to hospitals and laboratories with such facilities to provide patients with clinical services, especially blood tests."

"Oh, really?"

"If the patient is not in need of an emergency, but continues to show unusual signs of illness, it is advisable to go to a larger hospital with such testing facilities. You can see the results of the tests on the same day, whereas in small clinics you have to wait until later in the day to receive them."

"I mean, how do you know all this, Nishino?"

"...... I saw it on TV."

Risa's casual comment made his mouth move naturally. It was an event helped by the fact that the opposite sex had suddenly become less distant in the last few days. The virgin could not resist the instinctive feeling, even though he knew that she would not find it difficult to turn her attention to him. 

Then he was approached by someone else. 

"You've been studying hard. Do you want to work in the medical profession in the future?"

It was the doctor who was leading them. He was a man of medium height, wearing glasses. He was a handsome man with a gentle smile on his face, which gave the impression of calmness. His calm manner, combined with his white coat, gave him a very intellectual atmosphere. 


"No, I haven't thought about it......" 

"It's a relatively new machine, only installed last year, but thanks to the Director's generosity, we've been able to reduce patient waiting times considerably. I think it has reduced the congestion in the lobby to a certain extent." 

" I see." 

The doctor, who was leading the group, said to him, and all eyes were on Nishino. He seemed to be in a good mood. 

"Okay, so now we're off to the Nursery. There they will learn briefly about the work of a nurse and then have a lunch break in the hospital cafeteria. Then, in the afternoon, you'll get to put on a nurse's uniform and try out the job for yourself!"

The handsome doctor with glasses who was leading the group said to everyone. Risa's comment on this.

"Oh, you really mean a nurse's uniform, don't you?"

"If it's a girl, then yes."


The image that came to her mind was that of the chairwoman dressed in a mini-skirt nurse's uniform. Shimizu, wearing a slightly smaller size, shows off her bare breasts and thighs. The thought of such a scene made Risa feel excited. 


"If you don't like it, we'll never force you......" 

The handsome doctor in glasses says a few words of concern. He will never think that the girl in front of him is excited by the fantasy of her friend as a nurse. To this Risa-chan replied as if everything was fine.

"No, I don't mind! I've always been interested in it." 

"Is that so? Good, then." 

A big smile was on her face.

◇ ◆ ◇

In the afternoon, after lunch, the group met in the ward as planned. 

"Now we will start the practical training to help the patients."

Under the guidance of a doctor with glasses, everyone dressed up as a nurse and walked down the corridor. Without any objections, everyone, wore their white coats for the afternoon practice. 

In the meantime, Risa called out to Nishino.  

"Hey, Nishino-kun" 

"What ? "  


"The nurse's uniform has pants......"

As she walks down the corridor, her gaze is turned to the chairwoman who is walking in front of her. More specifically, she is looking at the crotch of the chairwoman, who is wearing bright white pants. No matter how hard she tries, she can't seem to get a good look at her legs.

With the exception of a few small clinics, such as dental and cosmetic surgery clinics, the majority of nurses in hospital facilities nowadays wear pants. The days when angels in white wore skirts to work are long gone.

This was a change of pace for Risa, who was less excited. 

"What's the matter?" 

"In my clinic, all the dental hygienists and dental assistants wear skirts. So I had an image of nurses uniforms with skirts, but I didn't think that all wore pants." 

"I heard that some of them still wear skirts, but I don't see them anymore. " 

" ...... Oh, I didn't know that."

 At the end of the group walking down the corridor, they exchanged a few words. This caught the attention of the students. The chairwoman is especially worried about this. They wonder if he's up to something strange again. 


However, the trip was short-lived. 

"Everyone will be looking after the patient's footbaths in this room." 

The doctor with the glasses stopped in the front. Ahead of him, an open-door room welcomed everyone. It was a large room for patients with relatively minor injuries. There were a total of six beds in the room. There was not a single patient lying on the sheets. 

They ranged from old men who looked like they could reach the age of 80. It seems that the patients have been informed in advance, and there is no sign of panic when a group of students appear near the doorway of the room. 

However, there were some strange glances at Rose and Gabriella. With nurse's dresses becoming less and less attractive, the colour of her hair, which is not typical of Asians, is attracting more and more attention from patients.

"So let's all go through the training as we did in the morning." 

Following the instructions of the doctor, Nishino and his classmates went to their beds. The students had been grouped in advance, so that there were two or three of them working on each patient. For the moment, the futsumen are in the same group as Rose and Gabriella. The invitation came from the two girls. 


"Now, if you'll excuse me." 

A patient gives Rose and Gabriella a very curious look. It is an old man, probably past his 60s. The futsumen crouches down at his feet and washes his feet diligently. The patient sits on the edge of the bed, at the foot of which there is a large bowl of water. The patient's feet are plunged into it and gently rubbed with a hand towel. The patient's hands are covered with plastic gloves. The sound of clattering began to echo from all parts of the room. 

"Are you in any pain?"

A concerned expression from Nishino to a patient. 

"Oh, I think you handled it just fine." 

"That's good to know." 

However, because of the attention of others, Grandpa decided to keep quiet. He couldn't say to anyone that he wanted to be washed by a girl. He could see that his stay in hospital was going to be tough, especially with the nurses. Seeing this, the doctor made the right decision by choosing a room with a group of more timid patients, so that he could avoid any strange orders to the students from the patients who nodded quietly.



In the meantime, a small voice was heard in the bed next to the one occupied by Nishino and his team. It was the patient in Takeuchi's charge. The patient's back was rolled up to protect his legs from the hot water, and his hands reached for his feet.

" Oh, are you okay ?" 

"..... Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a little tingling." 

There, as well as the futsumen, was Takeuchi-kun, who was working. 

He looked up at the patient's face, surprised to hear the patient's voice. 

"Is it static electricity? My skin feels like it's twitching." 

The person in charge of the handsome man is a woman in her 70s or 80s. She was rubbing her ankles with her hands and smiling apologetically. 


"It's not your fault, don't worry about it. When you get old like me, you get sudden aches and pains all over your body, even though you haven't done anything wrong. I'm sorry that I raised my voice when I'm being washed by such a handsome man like you."


With him in the group were the chairwoman and Risa. He wanted to work with Rose and Gabriella, but the person he wanted to work with was already in a group with the futsumen when he turned his attention to them. 

They all look at the old lady with a caring look in their eyes. 

"Um, you should probably see a doctor....." 

"That's right!" 

"No, no, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with my feet."

The scream that echoed through the room was a small one. The doctors and nurses who were present called out to her, but she did not complain of any further pain. After confirming her cheerful appearance, the conversation at the hospital was over. Only Takeuchi-kun had a serious expression on his face. However, no one noticed the change in him. The rest of the day went by without any problems. After washing, the feet were wiped with a towel and, for some people, socks were put on. It takes about thirty minutes from the time the students arrive at the hospital room. At the end of the lesson, we were about to clean up the room.

"What's with all the old people having so much fun?"


A loud voice echoed through the room. Everyone in the room turned their attention in the direction of the voice. There was a man in his mid-twenties. He was wearing a loose-fitting sweatshirt, his right hand hanging from a triangular cloth around his neck. 

He is reasonably tall, around 180, about the same height as Takeuchi. He is a very stern-looking man, with a close-cropped head and tinted glasses. He has a tattoo on his neck that is not fully hidden by the neckpiece of his clothes. He does not look like a proper member of society. 

"What's this all about? I don't want some ugly woman to wash my feet, I want a pretty young girl to wash my feet. I mean, not only my feet, but the rest of my body too."

 The man strode into the room and looked at Rose, Gabriella, the chairwoman and Risa, some of the prettiest girls in the practice group. His gaze never stops going to their breasts and crotches. 

"I'm sorry, sir, but you need to go back to your own bed." 

"What? Don't be so hard on me, all right? Give me a break, will you?" 

The man's tone was firm. The man's voice was loud and assertive, even to the doctor with the glasses. 


Watching him, Grandpa, who has been washed off his feet by Nishino. I envy him a little, he thought. 

"We can't do that." 

" I've got a lot on my mind because I can't use my arms properly. If you were a man, you'd know that, wouldn't you? See? I'm not asking you to fuck me.”

The man was talking loudly. At this, a few of the nurses in the room began to whisper to each other. All of them were accompanied by the Doctor with glasses, who was looking after Nishino and the other students on work experience. 

"This is a patient who has just joined us, but he is messing around with the nurses and he is really helpless."

"But in a hospital of this size, there are people like this a few times a year."

"If you're worried about it all the time, you won't be able to work as a nurse, will you?"

"That's what I say, but it's not something you can show to students, you know."

As he did so, the man's feet moved. He went to the chairwoman, who was standing close to the entrance. His eyes were glued to her breasts. The two-piece nurse's uniform does not stop emphasizing the presence of the magnificent twin hills, which appear larger than their counterparts.


At this, the man's arm reached out quickly. Without any hesitation, five fingers squeezed one boob. 

"Oh, it's big!"


The person who is being squeezed is not very happy. There are a lot of people around. There is also the presence of Takeuchi-kun nearby.

"Hey, what are you doing?" 

And the chairwoman was the kind of girl whose hands were always moving before her mouth. She didn't expect to be rubbed on the chest at the first opportunity. In an instant the blood rushed to her head and she found herself clenching her fist and punching the man in the cheek with all her might. It was a powerful blow. 


A scream comes from the man's mouth. But he is also a man of a good weight. He is also an experienced fighter. He didn't fall to the floor as easily. He took a half step, but stopped there.


Watching them, Grandpa, who had been washed off his feet by Nishino, thought. I'm glad I didn't say anything strange, he thought.

"What the fuck! You've got to be kidding me!" 


Without pausing, the man raises his arm. The look on his face frightened the chairwoman. Unlike the previous incident in the abandoned building, her anger towards Rose was not as high as it should have been, and her fear of the impending threat outweighed her annoyance at the sudden touch on her chest. For once, her miracle was not going to work. But the man's hand never touched her face. 

"Die, you bastard!"

At the same time, Risa's voice echoed in the hospital room. Her figure was beside the man. She struck him in the side of the head with the chair she was holding, just as he was about to strike her. It was a big swing, a powerful swing. There was a cracking sound and a scream came from the man's mouth. 



His ribs are struck by a metal frame and the man collapses on the spot. He rolled onto his back, holding the affected area with both hands. Risa rushed under the chairwoman very quickly. The round chair, which had been thrown out, struck the man on the side of the head.

"Chairwoman, are you okay?" 

" Uh, yeah... " 

Shimizu's gaze shifts back and forth between the man on the floor and Risa-chan.

"It's really disgusting to rub a girl's breasts out of the blue, isn't it? I'm sure you'll be able to understand that it's not as simple as that. " 


The next moment, Risa's hand touches the chairman's chest. The chairwoman felt goosebumps all over her body. 

"Hey, wait, Risa......" 

" Hahaha, sorry I just got carried away."


" .......... "

To those around, it looked like a scene of friendly students getting along with each other. But the chairwoman was aware of this. She noticed that the look in the eyes of the girl in front of her was exactly the same as that of the man who had just rubbed her breasts. She felt a chill run down her spine as she saw the lust in his glowing eyes.

"Can someone please get a male nurse and a security guard?" 

Immediately afterwards, the doctor with glasses raised his voice and the training there came to an end. After witnessing the whole event, Grandpa, who had been washed off his feet by Nishino, thought. -I will live quietly for the rest of my life.-

◇ ◆ ◇               

After a lot of trouble, the first day of the work experience was over. The students who had taken part in the event were told to meet directly at the hospital again tomorrow. Nishino, as well as Rose and Gabriella, went home to theirn house. Risa had asked the chairwoman out on an after-school date, but they too went their separate ways. Meanwhile, after seeing his classmates off, Takeuchi went to the hospital to help with the family business. 


He was busy moving around the hospital, which he knew very well. It was night time. 

In the corridor in front of the director's office, he hears a voice. 

"...... A medical error?" 

The voice belonged to his father. The disturbing words came from behind a slightly open door. The light in the room was faintly shining through the dimmed corridor. The doctors, nurses and employees have long since gone home, and only a few people are working in the building. 

"How is it? ...... Do you know?" 

As his hand reached for the doorknob, Takeuchi decided against it. The phrase "medical error" had stolen his focus. 

He puts his arm down and begins to listen and see what is going on in the room. 

"The patient's name is ... " 

Apparently his father was on the phone. He was talking with a serious expression on his face. Had he been able to see the screen, he would have been able to identify the person on the other end of the line. However, from Takeuchi's position, he could not see it. 



Takeuchi-kun was nervous as he caught a glimpse of his father's tense face, which he rarely sees. The future of the hospital was a very important thing for him. He listened to his father's voice with a serious expression on his face. 

"Ah, Tateishi-san."

Takeuchi-kun remembered the name "Tateishi-san". She was an elderly woman who Takeuchi-kun had been in charge of his footbath during his work experience today.


 As soon as he heard the name, the feeling of blood drained from his face. 

What came to mind was the reaction of a patient during the footbath. Just as he was washing his feet, Mr. Tateishi was screaming in pain. The sight of her rubbing her ankles with his hands is still fresh in his mind.

-Is it static electricity? My skin feels like it's twitching -

It brings back memories of what the patient said to him during the day. He would not have been bothered by it if it had been last month. It was a family matter, but he must have decided that there was nothing he could do and spent his time praying for peace and safety. 


But nowadays Takeuchi-kun has a problem that he can't tell anyone about. 

"...... Seriously" 

I murmured to no one in particular. 

Sweat pours down his armpits and back from impatience. It's something he hates. But after the last few days of research and training, he thought it had lost its toxicity, at least in normal times, to the point where it could not interfere with his daily life. In fact, he was due to take part in PE and club activities next week. 

In the last night's experiment, even semen dissolved only a little of the hair of the rats, while sweat showed no reaction. There was no sign of illness in the rats when the semen was mixed with their food.

 He knew that, although sexual relations would still be a problem, he would not have to worry about sweating it out. He was sure that he would not harm any member of the team. Then, for some reason, he heard about the medical error. He felt light-headed and made a small movement of his feet on the spot. The sound of the soles of his shoes scraping against the corridor echoed in the quiet, unpopulated hallway. 

"Who's there?"


"........ " 

A questioning voice echoed from the directors office. Poisonous Takeuchi-kun, who was in a hurry, ran away from the scene in a panic. 



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