[Graduation Trip XIII]

Meanwhile, here is Inchou. 

After leaving the hotel, she was running through Santorini. Her destination was the police station where she was guided to after the traffic accident this morning. Her sense of camaraderie and energy was not so weak that she could stay put when her friends had been abducted by gangsters. 

"Haa, haa, haa..."

However, there are surprisingly few cases where this leads to her happiness. 

Shimizu has been running in circles. 

And now, as usual, she is climbing a self-imposed hill, dripping with sweat. The unfamiliarity with a foreign country, the first time visiting a city, and the fact that she was going through an area with poor visibility in the middle of the night had robbed her of her normal sense of direction. 

As expected, Inchou got lost just as Nishino had predicted. 

"W-where am I?"

The police station she was aiming for was so far away that now she didn't even know where she was.

She was completely alone, having lost even the location of the hotel to which she was to return. 

"...Well, it's not like I'am lost or anything!"

Her eyes are teary. 

She must have been sad because of the events that took place during the day. 

She was sad because of her lack of growth. 

"Yeah, I mean, I'm not, well, I'm not lost......."

She was a seventeen year old whose self-esteem had taken a sharp turn after the events of the past few days. 

Lately, she has been feeling a little less confident about taking the college entrance exam as well. 

"...It's hot."

Under her semi-long black hair, her forehead and neck were drenched in sweat. Her legs, which had been trained by the swim team, were not weak despite the considerable distance she had covered. However, as a woman of her age, the sweat that gushed out of her body seemed to bother her. 

While moving her legs, she wiped them with her shirtsleeves.

"I really don't know what's going on with this trip anymore......."

It was a reasonable complaint.

But no one answers this.


After a few minutes of running in this manner, Inchou finally stopped. 

She seemed to have decided that she should use her head rather than move her legs any further. Or, it could be said that she felt calmer now that she had moved her body to the fullest. 

However, the decision came somewhat too late. 

It was the middle of the night, and there were no other pedestrians on the street. Not even the sound of car exhaust could be heard. Naturally, it was impossible to catch a cab. As she was used to living in the heart of the city in Japan, where people are always passing by even at night, she felt uneasy about the scene. 

"...Maybe I should call."

She casually reaches out and reaches into her skirt pocket, where her fingertips touch Nishino's phone. 

I had left it there during the day and forgotten to return it until now.

"But I can't believe he helped me..."

For Shimizu, this is a last resort. 

If the person to contact had been Nishino, she would not have been so distressed. She would have been able to make contact with Nishino, and then get a nice smack on the cheek from him, and that would have been the end of the matter. 

Unfortunately, however, the phone that touches her hand is the one that belongs to Nishino. Naturally, the connection is to someone other than him. The only other option is Rose. 

"Oh, right, a map..."

After taking the phone out of the pocket for a while, she suddenly came up with the best solution. 

Nowadays, it is rare to find a phone without a map and GPS. 

"I don't mind if I use it for a little bit. He lent me this, and the difference between an e-mail and a map is not that big of a deal. I don't want to know about Nishino-kun's private life either!"

She mumbled some excuse and started to remove the simple lock from the phone. 

Moving her finger tip in the shape of a Z, the lock was released in a single motion. 

Of course, she had been told in advance that the lock would be released. 

However, Shimizu feels uncomfortable looking at the traces of the lock on the screen. 

"You really have terrible taste..."

The home screen appears on the display. The background image is a phone preset. She starts up the desired application with a skilled hand while mumbling. A map of the entire area appeared on the screen. 

The coordinates are plotted in the center of the map, reflecting the current location information. 

"Oh, what was the name of the hotel again?"

Then again, it was Shimizu who could not remember. 

This made her feel very sad. 


She is extremely good at dealing with troublesome matters that require planning and preparation in advance. However, she seems to be weak at dealing with unexpected events and emergency measures. This is why the cultural festival was a great success, and why she ended up getting lost during the day.

"There are so many hotels in Santorini........"

Under the darkness, she looks at the phone and becomes stunned. 

A little escape from reality, or rather, abandonment. 

She is now standing at a point a little to the north of the city center of Fira. The situation is different during the day and at night, so she seems to have passed through the neighborhood of her destination and gone off in the direction she originally intended to go. 

Outside of the city, the number of buildings is reduced and the pavement along the side of the road is also adequate. The scene of buildings with dull white walls scattered across the wilderness-like land, where the ground is exposed, looks quite lonely, even though it is nighttime. 

"I mean, it's still far from the city........."

If she continued on, she would not find the police station she had visited at noon. On the extension she had run, the arrow-shaped icons plotted on the map pointed to an endless stretch of flat background color. It was easy to predict that the scene would be even lonelier than it was now. 

Santorini tends to appear as a beautiful and gorgeous white island in tourist guides. However, the same-colored buildings are only found in a few areas. Most of the land is bare ground and endless countryside. 

"......I think I'll head back for now."

Having no choice, she turns on her heel to go back the way she came. 

Immediately thereafter, an unexpected third party's voice reaches her. 

"But we're in trouble."

"I know. I just want to get the hell out of here and go back to our hometown."

As she turned to go, a pair of men appeared from the shadows of a building on the corner of the street. Both men had fair skin, chiseled features, and dark brown hair. Naturally, they could not have been speaking Japanese, or even English. 

If it were Nishino, he would have already questioned their origins at this point. 

"Hey, look at that."

"An Asian? You look familiar."

"Don't you remember?"

"What do you mean?"

"Does she look like the one from the photos?"

"You know, we didn't catch enough of them......."

"Why don't you grab that one and take her instead? I'm sure Diego will be bored by now, and he'll settle up somewhere reasonable. If we stay on this island too long and the little bitch finds us, we're screwed."

"Yeah, you could say that."

The distance between Shimizu and the duo was only a dozen meters. Thinking that the other party would not understand their language, the men exchanged words at the same volume as usual, not caring that their voices could reach her bottom. 

On the other hand, seeing the situation, Inchou thought to herself. Maybe if I ask these men, they might be able to tell me where the police box is. Maybe they could help me to save Risa-chan.

Japanese women's opinion of Caucasian men is said to be outstandingly high, even when viewed from a global perspective. 

"...Um, well."

If she got an idea, she acted on it immediately. 

She quickly walked over to the two men. 

Then, fortunately, the men pulled knives from their pockets. 


Inchou, stop suddenly. 

The men quicken their steps toward her. 

"Miss, I'm sorry but please be quiet."

"I've always wanted to hold an Asian."

"I know. They look so much younger than the white ones."

"Let's have a little fun here before we take her to Diego's. "

"That's right."

The men walk up to me with smirks on their faces. 

At this, Inchou seemed to notice that something was wrong. 

"Hey, hey, hey, are you a random thief? Give me a break!"

Unexpectedly, the chase was on. 

◇ ◆ ◇

While them were busy running around Fira. Nishino and Rose were the last to leave. After leaving the hotel, the two of them moved under the night sky under the leadership of the Futsumen. 

"Hey Nishino-kun. Why don't you at least get a little rest?"

"I will rest as soon as I find Inchou."

"I'm suggesting that you take a rest right now."

As usual, the bike is the only means of transportation. 

Even after the sun had set, Nishino was still wearing sunglasses on his face as he gripped the handlebars. The sunglasses he wears to hide the injury on his face, but at heart, they are his favorite pair because they look good and he doesn't want to take them off. 

Francisca rented two motorcycles in advance, but nobody has gone to retrieve them since Rose left one in front of the church after she lost the keys. Thanks to this, they had to travel tandem on the american one. 

When they set out, Nishino was reluctant to go with her. I'm good enough on my own, there's no need for you to come with me, he said. However, she saved him, so he could not refuse her strongly. Thanks to this, we were riding together, which was a rare occurrence outside of school. 

Rose, with both arms around his waist, was grinning as much as she could. There was no clenching in her lips since earlier. Due to their positions, Nishino couldn't see her. Taking advantage of this, Rose did whatever she wanted.

"How about moving a little further away? It's too hot."

"Then you'll drop me, won't you?"

"I don't think you're so fragile that being dropped is going to make you anything."

"I wonder when I'll have this seat again?"

"...... Suit yourself."

Nishino is defeated.

After they set off, Rose had consistently dominated the conversation.

With the help of these circumstances, she was able to press her body tightly against Nishino's. Naturally, she held his waist with both knees, and with her back straightened, her body was pressed tightly against him. There was not even a millimeter of space between them, and it was like a scene reminiscent of a mother koala and her child.

If the tandem seats were made longer in the front and back of the American bike, one might wonder why it was necessary to pack them so far forward, a sight that would be disconcerting even to the casual observer. However, it was out of sight and out of mind for the driver. 

The wet crotch of the passenger is rubbing against the waist of the driver without any hesitation.

"Now that I think of it, you said you haven't slept since yesterday."

"What do you mean?"

"Lack of sleep is one of the causes of erectile dysfunction."

"Don't worry. I use it every night."

"Oh, you have a partner?"

"I've said it before. I like to do things at my own pace."

"I didn't even hear you say you liked me."


"If you're that hungry, I can entertain you tonight."

"...... No thanks."

While asking random questions, Rose brings her face close to the neck of the driver. Then, she begins to sniff with her nostrils widening, taking her time so as not to be noticed by the other person.

She sniffs the nape of the neck. 

However, if she does nothing but sniffing, her perversion will be revealed to him. 

While enjoying the smell, she continues the conversation. 

"By the way, just to confirm, where are we going?"

"Where is Inchou."

"You can tell that from my phone?"

The answer is received with a sniff.

Sniff, sniff.

"My phone comes with a tracer-enabled model. I can check it over the Internet."

"Hmm? That's a good collar to put on that child before she goes out into the wild."

"That's a bit harsh to say, but that's how it is."

As he tells her, Nishino is operating the handlebars with one hand while playing with the phone strapped to the holder with the other. He is apparently looking at a map on the display. 

On the map, the motorcycle he is operating becomes an icon, moving little by little. 

In addition to the icon pointing to their location, another object of a different color and shape was plotted on the map. This one was moving slower than the former one, but still little by little, away from the city of Fira. 

It was moving to the north.

Rose looked over Nishino's shoulder and saw the situation, and she too was stunned. 

"Where does she think she's going? She's a real pain in the ass."

"She's a lot nicer than you are, don't you think?"

"Is she? As far as I'm concerned, she can't even read a map"

"For a woman to have such a poor sense of direction is quite endearing."


A casual murmur from Nishino makes the blonde Lolita's face tense. 

She is quite strong on the map, and her name is Rose Repuman. 

"Hmm? I wonder if she's your type?"

"I'm sure she's an attractive woman."

"I'd like to check it out for reference, but what's so good about her?"

Rose, digging her own grave, still asks the question. Forgetting to smell the nape of his neck, she squeezes her arms around the Futsuman's body. Her flat chest was pressed tightly against Nishino's back. 

To her, Nishino replied with some unusually straightforward words. 

"It is fascinating to see people working hard at something. I learned about her through the preparations for the festival. Ah, the same goes for Takeuchi. He, too, seems to be consistent in his beliefs."

Recalling the after-party of the cultural festival sometime ago, he talks about it. 

It seemed that the Futsumen, were more than a little attached to Class 2A. Although there is not a shred of place for them in the classroom now, they have high aspirations to regain their seats before the graduation ceremony. 

He also hopes to hold school reunion parties at some point in his life after graduation so that he and his classmates can talk about their memories in good harmony. He also hoped that he would be able to stand there with a smile on his face. 

Of course, Shimizu's cultural festival, which he appreciated, had many other purposes, such as appealing to teachers and worrying about internal exam scores, and in many other not-so-fashionable ways. But that is a story that is beyond Nishino's knowledge. 


Naturally, Rose isn't amused.

"You work so hard all the time that you want the same thing, don't you?"

".......What's that?"

"I'm just stating what I think in a nutshell."

"She knows more about straight effort than I do, and she actually owns it. That fact should be respected by others."

"Distorted or not, hard work is hard work, right?"

"Depending on the underlying reason, the way we see effort changes. Who looks more beautiful, someone who strives for himself or someone who strives for other"

"Is she striving for someone else?"

"No, I don't know that much."

However, Nishino continued.

"I just wanted to deny what you said."

"Oh, you're so honest."

"Is that bad?"

"Do you really care that much about me?"

"How many times do you think I've answered the same question in the past?"

"Six times."

Rose mumbles and sweetly bites Nishino's ear with a whimper. 

They have been in close contact on the bike for more than ten minutes. Finally, she seems to have lost her patience. She licks the dimples on the sides of the contours and then scrapes off the earwax with the pointed tip. When she has collected it in her cheek pouch, she mixes it with her own saliva and smears it in her mouth like a mouthwash. 

She has made up her mind that she will not brush her teeth tonight. 

"...Hey, stop it."

He is not a Futsumen with enough heterosexual experience to ignore it by any stretch of the imagination. 

His shoulders were shaking slightly as he received unknown pleasurable sensations. 

It was his first experience of ear licking. 

"If you mess around too much, I'll shake you off."

"Oh, that's too bad."

A string of saliva ran between Nishino's ear and Rose's lips. 

"If I die, all these feel-good things will be lost forever, you know? I won't be able to run around for your classmates. I think it's an important investment in the future to take care of yourself."

"I'm not in the mood to debate whether your tongue feels good or not. But I understand what you're trying to say. I'm grateful for your help this time. So if you feel like the previous contract isn't enough, then please settle with money, not a pointless vent."

As a result, the Futsumenseemed to have mistaken Rose's lust for the bright side. 

"It is true that you saved my life. Even without this roundabout way of doing things, if you ask me to double the amount of the contract, I am willing to accept it. If that is not enough, say what you want. You already own me."

"Oh, that's very generous of you."

"You should be pleased. Oddly enough, it's exactly what you wanted."

Not at all, was Rose's complaint, which almost came out in her voice. 

She is a woman with a one-sided love who is not in the least bit happy when she has closed the distance between her and a business partner. What she wants is nothing more than the heart of the Futsumen. 

However, this lending is not always to her disadvantage. She is positive that if she handles it well, she will be able to take advantage of the situation. 

"Then you will continue to serve me in many ways."

"You gave me this life. Use it to the best of your ability."


Nishino's flippant remarks, as he puts on an act of toughness, made Rose's uterus tingle.

As always, values regarding men are in a cataclysmic upset.

I-it's not the time for me to fall in love again, but, y-you're cool, or something like that. She muttered to herself, as a boiling delusion ran back and forth in her head. Before she knew it, her private parts, pressed against Nishino's waist, were leaking juices onto his shirt.

Nishino, completely unaware of Rose's thoughts, continued riding his two-wheeled bike calmly.

They were almost at their destination. 

"........You're in a strange place."

The marker indicating Shimizu's location was stationary at one end of a cliff facing the ocean. 

◇ ◆ ◇

While Nishino capitulates to Rose, here is Tarosuke. 

".....I finally managed to escape them. Hahaha."

As he walked through Santorini at night, he could not find anyone behind him, just as he had just said. He seemed to have escaped safely from the strong-looking men he met at the restaurant. He was a handsome man who was yelling alone, as if to confirm the tranquility he had achieved. 

He was relieved that Takeuchi and the others had also escaped safely. 

"What a strange photoshoot trip this is."

The area is a deserted with no other popular destinations. Once you leave the city of Fira, the number of buildings quickly dwindles, and the scene is more like a cold village than a tourist destination.

He was walking on the asphalt in the middle of the island. 

"...... If it was him, I'm sure he would have rock it even more."

As he calmed down, his mind naturally drifted back to the image of his admired Futsumen. In his wildest dreams, he never imagined that he would be sitting in a bike with the opposite sex pressing their tits against him. 

It was a very picturesque sight to see the handsome man looking up at the night sky with his chin up, gazing at the stars in the sky. If Takeuchi had witnessed this, he would have no doubt imitated the scene. If Takeuchi had seen it, he would have imitated it without a doubt. 

"Well, that's the best I can do right now......"

His feet turned towards in search of a place to stay for the night. 

He probably thought it would be a bad idea to return to Fira. 

At the edge of his field of vision, he suddenly saw a human figure. He sees a group of people hurriedly running along an otherwise unpopular road in the dead of night. Two or three in a row, moving along the road in single file.

The scene is a reminder that the streets are sparsely populated after leaving the city center, and that one can see far into the distance. The distance between the two roads was only a few dozen meters. 

"...Hey hey, isn't that Nishino's woman?"

After walking only a short distance, the details became clear. 

It was Shimizu running in the lead. 

"This photoshoot trip never gets boring...."

He starts running again. 

The reason is the presence of two men chasing her. One of them is holding a knife in one hand. Tarosuke's expression becomes tense as he senses the same scent as that of the men who have been chasing him. 

Fortunately, the other party was so intent on pursuing Shimizu that they did not seem to notice him. Inchou was a healthy runner, she was rather struggling to run. If she had been wearing athletic shoes instead of her extravagant leather shoes, the distance between them would have been much wider.

In the meantime, Tarosuke ran as fast as he could to close the distance. 

By the time the other party realized he was approaching, there was already nothing he could do about it. The darkness of the night probably had a lot to do with it. He swung his fist down from the side of the man chasing Shimizu, aiming it at the man's side. 

"You pervert!"

The tightly clenched knuckles were set to plunge into the man's cheeks. 


With a short scream, the opponent was blown away in a powerful blow. 

The fist, which had the force of running, showed more power than he had imagined. The man was helplessly sent flying and fell to the street. He fell to the ground, and then he stopped moving. At the same time, something hard fell from his pocket, and a dry cracking sound echoed. 

Naturally, the person who hit him did not get off scot-free. The person who hit him was not going to get away with it. It hurts, it really hurts, he moaned, but somehow he managed to swallow it. It was beginning to heat up and tingle, but he held on to it with a clenched fist to let the night breeze cool it. 

Naturally, everyone stopped walking. 

Shimizu, who was running in the lead, and the man who was chasing him were both huffing and puffing as they looked at the newcomer. It seemed that they had been running for a long distance, and their foreheads were covered with sweat.

"Huh? Ah, ah..."

Under the darkness, Shimizu realized that the other party was Japanese, just like her. 

When she realized that the other person was also a familiar face to her, she was astonished. 

"Are you okay?"

"Um, maybe it's, Ta-Taro-san!"

"Yeah, this is Taro. Nice to meet you."

It is Tarosuke's persistence that makes him appear cool even at this stage of his life. He yearns for an ideal that is still far away, only to have it whittled away by some Futsumen. He never forgets to show his composure in any situation. This behavior is, according to him, rock 'n' roll at its best. 

"Oh, come on, you've really brought something with you."

Tarosuke's gaze moves as he exchanges words with Shimizu. His vision caught sight of an item dropped by the person he had struck. It was a pistol. It seemed that he had it at his waist, and it fell to the ground when he was hit. 

Fortunately, he had the skill to retrieve the item. 

He picked it up with a different hand from the one that had hit the man. 

The man who had lost his partner began to panic. He was outnumbered two to one. The pistol that had just been recovered had also had a major impact. 

"You bastard, why are you here?!"

The man said in poor English. 

It was a reasonable opinion. 

Tarosuke responded in a calm manner. 

"You don't need a reason to help a girl. Don't you agree?"

Inchou, who had gone to the trouble of getting a compliment, unfortunately had no idea what the conversation between the two was about. Still, she looked at them with a difficult expression on her face, trying to understand the conversation somehow. If she had understood the meaning of the conversation, she would have turned red and been delighted. 

As a man being quoted, it is extremely frustrating.


"Hey, don't make a move, all right? I have some experience with this."

He recalls and talks about his flight the day before yesterday. 

Tarosuke responded to the man's apparent rage by holding up his pistol. His sights are blurred. But to the casual observer, it looks like he has a good shot at the man. Remembering the earlier knockout with a single blow, it was no lie. He looked more or less dignified. 

"Damn you Asians......."

The man's hand reaches into his pocket. 

Tarosuke shouts in reproach. 

"Don't do anything suspicious, okay? Unless you want another hole in your face."


The scene was one sided. 

Thinking in terms of Tarosuke, this is a cool scene right now. A high school girl being chased, and he rescues her all by himself. It was a development that stimulated my manly heart more than any expensive movie set. 

I'm cool.

I'm hot. 

I rock. 

Being looked at with adoration by a current high school girl, and by the very person he was aiming for, Tarosuke Ogataya was more excited than ever before. At this moment, the handsome man's heart was in high gear. 

However, his exploits ended here. 

It was conveyed with the sound of the prime mover's exhaust. 

The next moment, a car appeared from the side of a building behind him. The light changed direction, dazzling Tarosuke and the others. The voice of a man in aloha shirt appeared from the side.

"Oh, we found them!"

It was Diego, the Aloha shirt man who yells with satisfaction. 

"Diego-san! R-right here! Right here!"

The man who had been cornered was happily shouting the names of his companions. 

It seemed that Tarosuke had once again been caught up by his pursuers. Through the windshield, he could see several people in the car, including his companions. Before he could confirm the number of people in detail, they were illuminated by the lights of the car. 

"Let's run!"

He is a handsome man who was forced to change plans. 

Again, they are playing catch-up. 

"After them! I'm tired of all this, let's just kill them!"

From the car, a man in an aloha shirt gave the order. 

Tarosuke and Shimizu were chased around by Diego and his men in a car as if they were hunting deer in the wilderness outside of Phila. Occasionally, live ammunition was fired with a high-pitched whine, mercilessly cutting them off at the foot of the road. One of the bullets scraped Tarosuke's arm. 

"Damn, he's doing whatever he wants."

He muttered angrily as he ran.

He was holding a gun in his right hand and Shimizu's hand in his left.

"Let's pick up the pace a bit, okay?"

"Y-Yes! I've been working out a lot!"

Unlike some Matsuura-san, the Inchou's tone of voice was very reassuring as she nodded back. 

Seeing this, Tarosuke increased his running speed a little.

"That's a good answer. You'd expect this from a woman who Nishino had his eye on."

"Eh, Nishino, um..."

After receiving an unexpected statement from an unexpected person, Shimizu instantly begins to get impatient. 

"The more uneven the ground becomes, the harder it will be for them to drive around by car. We will continue to turn off the road and head that way. It will be hard to find us in this darkness, but please bear with me for now. I'll get you out safely, I promise."


Nodding broadly, Shimizu suddenly realized. 

The hand of the man who pulled on her arm, boldly assuring her that he would save her, had somehow become damp with greasy sweat and was trembling slightly. Even she, who did not know him well, could easily understand that no matter how strong he was, he must be afraid of something scary. 


That is why Inchou's maternal feelings were aroused by Tarosuke's struggle for others, even to the point of pushing aside his own personal feelings. If the target was a good-looking man, she would double her efforts.

However, she was not so sure that she was the one who should be the one to do it. 

Tarosuke puts his guts into his legs and back with the vigor to lead. 

Being alone is lonely. He even whines. He wants someone to take care of him. Inchou, however, is a woman who can be a little stronger when she has someone next to her who is weaker than she is, even if they are in the same situation.

"Let's go."


His reply was also powerful. 

Inchou's leg strength, of which she is proud, is by no means inferior to Tarosuke's. 

"We can go faster than that!"

"Ah, ah, okay."

After leaving the flat area where it was easy to run, the two began to run towards an area with a lot of bumps. They used obstacles scattered around, such as the fences of houses and brick blocks placed haphazardly on the borders of land, to gain distance from the approaching cars.

That's the best they can do for now.

In the darkness, with only the moon above their heads as a light source, and with the fear of being shot from behind, their sense of direction was inadequate. Moreover, they were visiting a place for the first time, so they had no choice but to decide where to go based on their immediate judgment. 

Tarosuke and Shimizu took a course in a direction that would be difficult for cars to go. 

Thanks to this, the Aloha shirt gang also got out of their car and started to chase after them. The distance between the two groups kept widening and narrowing. The echoes of gunfire and cursing occasionally diminished in volume, but never ceased. 

But even so, the men were gradually decreasing in number. 

The difference in endurance seemed to have won the battle for Tarosuke and Shimizu. Compared to the thugs, who were not exercising and leading unhealthy lifestyles, Shimizu, who worked out daily in the club, and Tarosuke a handsome man who rented out the gym of a luxury hotel to work out during vacations, both had high stamina. However, not all of the guys were willing to give up on the two of them. 

Even when he was the last man standing, Diego continued to pursue them endlessly. 

◇ ◆ ◇

Eventually, they reached a cliff facing the sea. 

"Haa... haa haa... I'm definitely going to kill you..."

Diego stares at Tarosuke and Shimizu with bloodshot eyes. He is a very vindictive man. He has a pistol in his hand, the sight pointed unwaveringly at Tarosuke's forehead. His breathing is very heavy. 

The two of them, having lost their escape route, had the sea at their backs. 

The distance between them was only a dozen meters. 

Tarosuke is also in a posture with a gun in his hands, and he is facing Diego. Shimizu is by his side. Both of them are huffing and puffing, pinching themselves to suppress the urge to scream at this very moment. 

"Why don't you train a bit more? You're always out of breath."

"Don't mess with me, you're the same!"

In the quiet of the night, the only sound was that of the waves. 

Thanks to this, we could easily hear each other's breathing.

"Ta-Taro-san, no more..."

Inchou's expression became tense as she lost her escape route. 

The cliff behind them was not easy enough to jump in and save themselves. The cliff was several tens of meters above the sea level, and the slope was so steep that no matter how hard he tried to escape, it was likely that their bodies would be struck by the hard surface of the rock. 

"Well, if we decide it here there will be no problem."

"I'm gonna put a bullet in your damn face."

Incidentally, the conversation between the men was in English. 

Shimizu, who has a TOEIC score of 500, could not understand what they were saying. She had confidence in her foreign language skills, so she was shocked to see the real English conversation. 



It's Inchou, who has made up her mind that if she makes it out alive, she will study English harder. 

Tarosuke and the man in the aloha shirt glare at each other, guns at the ready. 

As far as the former is concerned, his knees are wobbling and shaking in a way that he cannot hide. An unpleasant-smelling sweat seeps from his armpits and chest, changing the color of his shirt. His throat is parched from running around for so long. Sticky sweat was sticking to his throat, and even the slightest breath was hurting his bronchial tubes. 

The conditions were terrible. 

Staring at the muzzle of his opponent's gun in the sights, his impatience was especially intense. My heart was pounding painfully. The next moment, I might be shot. He might be dead. Such tension shook Tarosuke's spirit violently. .

"What should I do..."

The blurted dialogue was a soliloquy that only he could hear. 

Neither of them could move, and the standoff continued. 

Looking closely, the Aloha shirt man also has a serious expression on his face. His whole body was covered in sweat from the endless running. His forehead, neck, hands, and feet were all wet. He was soaked from forehead to neck, hands and feet, with drops dripping down his chin. 

Even so, he did not show even the slightest movement, concentrating on the person in front of him. 



It was like a western movie. However, they had already pulled out their guns. The two men had completely lost track of the right moment to fire. No one could give them an answer as to when was the right time.

A few dozen meters below the cliff, the sound of waves could be heard. The constant rhythm of the sound was like a metronome. With each return of the waves, their tension increased. 

Finally, Tarosuke felt like throwing away the gun in his hand and running away. 

In the midst of all this, at the very last moment, his mind recalled the arrogant words of some futsumen. It was the day before yesterday, in the air, in the cabin of an airplane, he had confidently delivered a speech. 

[When I give the command, jump to the side and aim for the man's head and shoot.]

[...Hehe, I don't need instructions.]

I couldn't do it. 

It seemed useless. 

Tarosuke was not going to be able to decide the timing with his own consciousness. He was not going to be able to make a conscious decision on his own timing. Instead, Nishino admired a female person who had been there. 

"Damn, I'm so pathetic..."

"What's wrong? Your knees are shaking."


With Diego even pointing it out, Tarosuke's time to look cool comes to an end.

"The Japanese kid barely gets a chance to play. We can take them home and put them to work. It's pretty unbearable to see their flat faces screaming in incomprehensible voices, isn't it? I saw that in an old porno video from my country once."


But even so, it is the good-looking men of today who do their best to be uncharacteristically good-looking. 

Gritting his teeth tightly, he swallows his nervousness. 

"This is the woman Nishino is in love with. I can't give her to you."


Tarosuke's casual remark. 

Shimizu reacted differently to it. 

A familiar phrase reached her ears, mixed in with the English.

"Umm, Nishino..."

"Even I can do it when the time comes, Nishino!"

Tarosuke leapt out with a pathetic roar.

Kicking the ground, he leaps sideways. His sights were set between Diego's eyes, and his fingertips squeezed the trigger. It was exactly the behavior he had just been reminded of, exactly the way he had been told to behave according to some futsumen's advice. At the same time, two gunshots, each with a different tone, rang out in rapid succession. 

Without thinking about landing, Tarosuke's body hit the ground without mercy as he leapt sideways. He hit his side hard and let out an ugly scream. His lungs were compressed, and he lost his breathing and coughed. 


One moment, he is holding his own thighs, the next, he is scowling. 

It seems he has been shot. 

The red stuff soaked through the fabric of his pants and spread slowly on the ground. 


Shimizu rushes over in a panic. 

On the other hand, Diego is laughing at this after witnessing the whole scene. 

He is still in the posture with his gun drawn and hasn't moved a single step. From the mouth of the pistol held in both hands, a cloud of gunpowder smoke rises, and a grinning, mocking smile is still on his face. 

"...Hehehe, that serves you right."

In response to that mutter, Shimizu's attention suddenly turned towards him.

The same goes for Tarosuke.


The handsome man gave Shimizu a light push on the shoulder.

Then, still lying down, he aimed his gun again.

But there was no need to pull the trigger.


Losing his next line, Diego's body collapsed.

He collapsed face down and didn't move a muscle.

Tarousuke's bullet hit the man in the aloha shirt right in the heart.

"...I did it?"

Still tense, he asked without saying it to anyone in particular.

"Uh, it's not moving..."


After a while, the two of them noticed that a large amount of blood had spilled out beneath the fallen man, forming a puddle. There was such a large amount of blood that it was hard to believe he could still be alive. The fact that the man's body hadn't started to move at all suggested that he was definitely dead.

"Looks like you really saved the day."


The two of them instantly relaxed. However, considering Tarosuke's injuries, it was not a time to relax. Although not as much as Diego, there was a fair amount of bleeding from the thigh where he had been shot. Seeing this, Shimizu yelled in a panic.

"Umm, uh, your leg, I'm going to give you some first aid!"

She took off the cardigan she was wearing and tied it around Tarosuke's thighs to apply pressure to the injured area. It was a favorite that she had bought for this trip, but the situation meant she couldn't afford to waste time, so her hands naturally started moving.

"Sorry for making you dirty with something so trivial."

"I, I, it's fine, I can buy as many of these as I want!"

"I'm not ready to be saved by someone I'm trying to help......"

Tarosuke bows his head. 

It looks like it will be a while before he achieves his dream.

"That's not true, that was really cool!"

"But Nishino would have done a much better job."

"Eh ? ... Nishino-kun, um, um..."

"Oh no, nothing. Forget it."

Tarosuke was in a panic. He was so moved by the life-and-death situation that he let his words slip out. He is now getting nervous, thinking about the fact that he had mentioned his friend's name earlier. 

"Can I borrow your shoulder? Let's go back to the hotel."

"Oh, yes......"

A handsome man gets up on his knees to raise his body. 

At the same time, a dry crack sounded. 

Immediately afterward, a pistol is flung from Tarosuke's hand. 

The pistol, which had gained momentum, flew through the air and fell off the cliff. 


They looked back at Diego in a panic. 

There, they saw another man standing right next to the man in the aloha shirt who had fallen. 

It was one of the thugs who had initially chased after Shimizu. 

"Heh, heh, my luck is turning..."

In his hand is a pistol. He must have recovered it from Diego's corpse. 

The muzzle of the gun was unwaveringly aimed at Tarosuke. 

The target was not happy to see the gun in his hand. The gun, his only weapon, was lost, and Tarosuke's injured leg made it difficult for him to walk around. Moreover, Inchou who supported him could not understand English, so she had no idea what the other party was saying. 

◇ ◆ ◇

While Tarosuke was struggling with Aloha shirt group, Takeuchi's group headed for the hotel he had instructed them to go to when they parted ways. On the way to the hotel, the moped they had used as a footwear was stripped of its license plate number and dumped in a back alley. 

They rushed past the front desk of the hotel, which was not very busy at this late hour of the night. 

When they finally arrived at a corner of the corridor lined with guest rooms, the room in question was right in front of them. 

"I think he said Room 803, right?"

Takeuchi checks with Suzuki.

"Yeah, yeah, I think it was something like that."

To be precise, it was room 802. 

It seems that he was in the midst of confusion and misheard. 

As far as Suzuki was concerned, he did not remember anything and just nodded his head appropriately. 

"I'm surprised it was the same hotel as ours."

"I know, right?"

Risa-chan muttered with great admiration. Suzuki nodded in agreement. 

"There's no point fooling around here. Let's go."

Takeuchi-kun takes a step forward and knocks on the door of the room. 

A dry knocking sound echoed. 

The other three members of the group stared at the door with mysterious expressions on their faces. 

The time was three o'clock in the morning, when even the trees and grass were asleep. There is no other sound in the quiet hotel corridor with no sign of people. The knocking sounded unusually loud. However, no matter how long they waited, there was no response. 

Feeling sorry for himself, Takeuchi repeated his knocking three more times. 

After a while, there was a response on the other side of the door. It was the sound of someone walking. 

After a few moments, the door was opened with the sound of the lock being opened. 

"You can at least open the door yourselves......"

Francisca emerged from the room. 

She was about to complain to Shimizu, but was surprised to see an unexpected visitor. Her eyes flashed at the first time she saw them. She had been doing a lot of research on Nishino, and she had gotten some information on Takeuchi and his friends as well. 

That is why she was puzzled as to why his classmates came to visit her.

Takeuchi-kun, on the other hand, did not realize that they had mistaken the room and continued speaking. 

"Oh, um, Tarosuke told me to head here........."

The tone of his asking tone was uncertain. 

Takeuchi was a bit surprised by the unexpected appearance of the most beautiful woman in the world. No matter how good-looking he was, it was all a blur in front of Francisca. He had never spent a night with someone as good-looking as her, even though he was the most handsome guy in the class. That's why he was so reluctant. 

The large breasts, which looked as if they would overflow from the dress at any moment, caught everyone's eyes, including those of Suzuki, Risa-chan, and Matsuura-san. They were surprised that this was a foreign standard. Risa-chan, on the other hand, was very modest. 

"We were being chased by some strange people and Tarosuke saved us."


Just before she was about to ask who that was, her thoughts drifted back to the grievance she had filed the day before yesterday. 

It was about the hijacking incident. 

She thought of the name of the Japanese actor on the paperwork. 

In addition, her brilliant mind quickly sorted out the situation when she recalled some kind of photography that had taken place in the next room during the day. Perhaps she had the wrong room. Although Nishino would never admit it, Francisca is, in fact, quite a brilliant woman. 

"Oh, then it must be next door, right?"


"If you're on a photo shoot, it's the one next door."


Upon hearing the comment, Takeuchi's face turned red with embarrassment.

"I-I see."

Francisca looked at the Asian handsome man who was getting impatient and suddenly thought. 

She wondered if it wouldn't be a good idea to do Nishino a favor. 

"Do you need help, by any chance, from the police?"

"Uh, yes, I'd like to get in touch with them if possible......."

"Maybe I can help you with that."

"What? Can you do that? We're strangers."

"It's no trouble to call the police. Besides, as they say, if you're in trouble, we're both in trouble, so why don't you wait here for a minute and I'll call them right over. "

More than anything else, Fransisca wanted to avoid getting into trouble again by having them swim around the city. For some reason, Nishino is very affectionate toward his classmates, so she, too, is constantly worried about them. 

"Thank you so much. It's extremely helpful."

"No problem. Now, if you don't mind if I get your hotel and room number? I'll call them and let them know you're on your way. If you're afraid to walk around, you can wait here in the lounge.o you can come over there. If you're scared to walk around outside, you can wait here in the lounge."

"Oh, well, this is the hotel."

"Oh, that's a coincidence, isn't it? Then you can wait in the other room."

"I understand. Thank you very much for everything."

If he were to enter the room under these circumstances, he would inevitably meet with the mastermind behind the kidnappers.

With them waiting in the other room, Francisca went to make contact. 

◇ ◆ ◇

While Tarosuke Shimizu was in trouble, Nishino and Rose, who were chasing after him, were frowning at the poor condition of the road on which they were riding their bikes. The asphalt pavement had been lost, and they were forcing their way over uneven rock surfaces. 

"I wonder if this is the way to go? Even if she has no sense of direction, I think she's on the verge of dementia. Or is it something else? Is the police station on this island built on the edge of a cliff?"

"Maybe she got into some kind of trouble."

"If that's the case, I suggest you turn back immediately."

Rose is consistently in a bad mood. 

Apparently, she is worried about Nishino's health. 

As we left the city, she began to speak to me in a more dismissive manner. 

"Hey, do you have a gun?"

"...... No, I don't."

"You have it? Then there's no problem."

"You really don't listen to people."

Operating the shaky handlebars, Nishino hurried on his way. 

After a short distance, he eventually came to an open area overlooking the ocean. It was a point reminiscent of a small hill, and the existence of a cliff jutting out toward the sea could be seen. The Futsumen drove the motorcycle to the end of the cliff and stopped. 

They settled into their seats and became aware of their surroundings. 

"What a great view. Such a lovely location."

"This would have been great if the Inchou weren't here."

"Is it here? She's not here."

Rose looked around and tilted her head in question. 

On the map displayed on her phone, the two icons were almost in the same place, overlapping in the center of the screen. However, Shimizu could not be seen nearby. 

Shortly thereafter, Nishino muttered. 


They looked at a corner of the hill, a little lower than where they were standing. 

There, Tarosuke was holding a gun and the Inchou was standing beside him, looking at the situation with a prayerful gaze. In front of them, about 10 meters apart, is a stranger holding a gun. 

The next moment, Tarosuke made a big leap to the side. 

A series of gunshots were heard at the same time. 

"That's the guy who came to the school festival, right?"

"He's pretty good."


"No, it's nothing."

A man in an aloha shirt falls flat on his face. 

Tarosuke, on the other hand, is still alive, although his leg is injured. The two see Tarosuke being taken care of by Shimizu and receiving first aid. This is the moment when the rocker defeats Diego, the man in the aloha shirt. Nishino, too, was relieved to see this. 

However, the situation took a further turn. 

"...Hey, what's that?"

"Oh no, that's bad."

Nishino responded to Rose's point.

Just as the two of them were relieved to have defeated Diego, another man approached them from behind. And apparently, the Inchou and the others did not notice this. The man moved to Diego's side and also pulled a pistol from the body's hand. 

It was easy for Nishino and Rose to understand what the other man was thinking. 

"...Is it a dire situation?"

"Hold on tight."

"What? Hey, hey, no way, Nishino-kun......."

There was no time for Rose to stop him.

The throttle is turned and the engine blasts off with a whomp. 

From the hill where they are located to the bottom of Inchou and the others, the horizontal distance is a dozen meters. If you take into account the difference in height, and if you have enough momentum, you may not be able to fly. If you try hard enough, you can just barely reach them. Such is the distance. 

But right now, Nishino is just a normal person. 

If he fails, they will not be safe. 

He will be thrown headlong off a cliff and into the sea. 

"No, Nishino-kun! You are not in good shape right now."

"It's okay, leave it to me."

The Futsumen who tries in vain to look good in such a situation. 

It made Rose annoyed. 

I was annoyed because I was worried about his body. 

But it was already too late to do anything. 

"Then I'll..."

"Let's go."

The motorcycle sped off as the clutch was connected. She was almost swept off the bike, and in a panic, she hugged Nishino's body. Her flat chest was pressed against the futsumen's back, squeezed through his shirt. Thanks to the virgin, she was unwillingly, but courageously, a hundred times braver. 

A large motorcycle, gaining momentum, soars over the edge of the hill. 

"W-wait a secoooo!"

Rose's scream echoed throughout the area.

◇ ◆ ◇

This time, it's not going to work. 

Tarosuke holds Shimizu close to his chest as if using his own body as a shield against the muzzle of the man's gun. If his own body can hold out until the other man's bullets run out, at least, is a manifestation of the self-sacrificing spirit that comes from being inspired by an extraordinary experience. 

Understanding his own superiority, the man pulls the trigger with ease. 

It was in the midst of such an event. 

"W-wait a secoooo!"

With a woman's scream, a motorcycle fell from the sky.


In front of Tarosuke's shocked eyes, the motorcycle knocked the man down as he aimed his gun.


With a short scream, the man's body is lifted into the air. It was nothing compared to the sideways leap Tarosuke had just performed. The man flew in an arc toward the other side of the cliff. 

A few moments later, a column of water rose up in the dark night sea. 

The flying motorcycle, on the other hand, braked sharply.

With the man's body acting as a cushion, he landed without much of a bounce. However, the momentum gained in advance is not so easily killed. At this rate, like the man, he would be heading in a straight line toward the other side of the cliff. 

Naturally, Nishino responded frantically.

The brakes, squeezed as hard as they could, made a high-pitched squeal. The gears, which were instantly dropped to first gear. The bike was tilted to its limit and began to skid, sparks flying from the muffler and footpegs that rubbed against the ground.

However, that's not enough to slow it down.

Finally, unable to bear the sight any longer, Rose jumped out of the back seat. She grabbed the frame under the rear fender with both hands, braced herself with her feet, and started to drag her feet along the ground, scraping against the ground.

Two lines are carved into the rock face.

Her favorite heels were ruined after a few meters. 

Thanks to her efforts, the motorcycle slid to the very edge of the cliff and came to a stop.

"Haaah, haaah, haaah..."

Rose was holding the frame with both hands, shaking and trembling with a serious expression on her face.

My heart is pounding rapidly in my chest.

She looks as if to say, You've got to be kidding me. The next thing she knew, she was in Nishino's arms, cushioning his body. I couldn't bear to see my beloved man dead at a place like this. 

On the other hand, Nishino is the one who decides to be cynical, looking the same as he usually does. 

"You got to see some of it."

He speaks with a shallow smile on his face as he settles into his seat on the bike. 

The pose is quite irritating, as he is leaning his elbows on the steering wheel while muttering. His leather jacket and sunglasses, which are of a bold design, do not suit him at all. The option of Rose crouched in the back of the motorcycle also adds to the stupidity of the pose. 

"N-Nishino... I didn't think you were watching."

Still, the handsome man who worshipped this seemed to have found Buddha in hell. 

He was staring at him with a look of great emotion on his face. 

With Shimizu supporting him on his shoulder, he is looking at the futsumen in a posture of one knee on the ground. 

"One hundred points, I guess."

Nishino spoke in a casual tone.

"One shot at the vital spot in this darkness, that's quite impressive."

"Well, to be honest, this time it was mostly a coincidence..."

"It's often said that luck is a part of skill."

"Well, in that case, wouldn't it be okay to give me a few more points?"

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean, wrong? Surely that's a failing score."

Tarosuke, enduring the pain in his thighs, still tried desperately to crack some jokes. He recalled the night before last. The score he received in the sky was five out of a possible one thousand. In fact, he was a red-graded. 

The Futsumen continued in a terribly indifferent manner. 

"Please don't get it wrong. The score is 100% perfect."


"Thanks for helping Inchou out. I appreciate it."

He was very honest in expressing his gratitude. 

Immediately, Tarosuke's face twisted. 

Apparently, he was happy. 

Suddenly, something hot and passionate overflowed from his chest, and he cried and laughed. 

But even so, Tarosuke is a man who can't be honest. 

"I, I didn't do it for you or anything."

"Even so, you saved her."


Futsumen repeated his honest words of gratitude. 

This seemed to work wonders for Tarosuke. His eyes were burning up, but he tried not to let the tears spill out. 

"Is your leg okay ? " 

"Heh, it's nothing special, just like a mosquito bite."

"Some mosquitoes have really big stings."

"But sorry, I've ruined her day"

"In that case, you'll have to work hard from now on."

"You're right."

It was a conversation that sent shivers down my spine.

Inchou, who was standing right next to them, had goosebumpsm as she listened to their conversation. The presence of Tarosuke may have neutralized some of it, but it still seemed to be out of character for her. 

"Hey, wait a second, Nishino-kun!"

The question naturally came to her mind. What makes Tarosuke so happy or joyful? The superior attitude of the Futsumen as usual makes even those who are not in the same situation feel a sense of repugnance when they listen to it. 

And yet, for some reason, Tarosuke is smiling and exchanging words with Nishino. 

Finally, she doesn't know what's going on. Instead, she is in such a state of impatience that she seems to be pleading with him to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Her hands are red with Tarosuke's blood. Even to the untrained eye, it was not an injury that could be left untreated. 

"What is it, Inchou?"

"What kind of arrogant thing are you saying to Taro-san?"

In any case, Inchou was not at peace. 

◇ ◆ ◇

After much struggling, Nishino and the others returned to the hotel. 

They went back to the hotel to receive medical treatment for their injuries. 

Nishino called a cab via Francisca to take them there. The reason why the destination was the hotel and not the hospital was that the doctor they requested before their departure was on standby, as suggested by the Futsumen. 

It took a while to get to the hotel. 

When Tarosuke saw the front entrance of the hotel, he shouted in a crazy voice. 

"So this is the hotel Nishino and the others stayed at?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, this is the hotel where we are shooting for this job."

"Was it you who were making noise in the next room?"

"I'm sorry. It was a little bit crowded."

While exchanging a few words, they walked through the front desk and down the corridor. It is midnight, and there is no sign of anybody else in the room. They walk up and down the stairs. Rose leads the way, with Nishino lending a shoulder to Tarosuke and Shimizu walking behind him. 

In front of the Inchou, there is a Ikemen and a Futsumen, who are talking to each other as if they were friends. She has heard beforehand that the two are not related. 

For her, who believes in the supremacy of the school caste system, this is a scene that she cannot understand. 

"Why is it that Nishino-kun is such a good friend of Taro-san? ......"

A quiet murmur that no one could hear.

Inchou had a lot of things she didn't understand over the past night. 

After some time, they were about to arrive at the room they were looking for. 

From where they were headed, they suddenly heard a familiar voice. 

"Sister, if you don't mind, I'd like to open this with you. I'd like to thank you."

"Oh, I'm glad. But you don't need to go out of your way to thank me. Instead, I'd like you to wait in your room quietly. It's late, isn't it? You don't want to disturb the other guests by making too much noise. "

"Then how about at least one drink?"

At the entrance to the room, Takeuchi was approaching Francisca.

The stinky old lady also seemed to be fed up with this. No matter how good-looking Takeuchi-kun was, he was an Asian student. For her, who had never had trouble with men in her life, he was nothing but a nuisance.

"...Francisca, what are you doing?"

When Futsumen muttered that name, everyone naturally stopped in their tracks. 

If anything, Nishino is on the side of his classmates. Francisca's judgment of the situation naturally turned harsh toward her, wondering if she had made another mistake. He was asking her questions with a tone of voice containing a hint of reproach, and with more sternness than usual. 

Francisca and Takeuchi heard a familiar voice and their gazes shifted. The former glanced at her from behind the half-open door. In contrast, Takeuchi, holding a bottle of sake in his hand, slides his foot across the gap between the door and the wall as if he is closing in on her. 

Incidentally, he bought this bottle the day before yesterday as a souvenir from Athens. 

"Oh dear, you're quite late..."

Francisca muttered with an awkward look on her face.

Her attitude is as if she is trying to say that this is not the case. It has the air of a clumsy housewife who has brought a man home while her husband is away and been caught in the act. It is not that Francisca is particularly at fault. However, it is the sex appeal that she exudes on a daily basis that makes her look that way.

Thanks to this, a look of shock naturally appeared on Takeuchi's face.

His eyes were wide open as he stared out at the people lining the corridor.

"Eh? Why is Nishino here..."

Even the number one handsome guy in the class was stunned by the situation. 

"By the way, Taro-san? And Rose-chan, why are you and Nishino...?"

Witnessing his reaction, Tarosuke asks Nishino in a small voice. 

"Nishino, did you ever tell your classmates about your work?"

"Do you think they know?"


Shimizu's case also made him a bit of a troublesome Futsumen.
