[Extra]Event at a bar one day (Nishino and Gabriella)

It was around 6 pm. It was a small bar in the downtown area of ​​Roppongi, in the basement of a multi- tenant building located on the outskirts of it , in a space of about 20 square meters.

There were men and women sitting in the counter space and talking to each other.

Gabriella and Nishino.

"Why aren't you together ? I heard you left school together."

" Did you tell me earlier that you split up on the way ? You said you're going to the supermarket." 

In response to the latter words, the former looks dissatisfied.

Apparently Gabriela seems to had come to the search of Rose.

On the other hand not, encounter with the natural enemies, Futsumen.

"Why don't you go home quietly ? " 

"Your onee-sama may come here after you. "

"Well, I like it. Good"

Gabriella has a regrettable look on her face. 

Nishino responded by tilting the glass . 

It made the Marquis uncomfortable

"You guys aren't going to start a fight in the shop, are you?"


"I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do that, of course, not if they're going to do it."

"I don't want to fight, but I've got a better idea."

"What is it? "

"Let's play a game of darts over there. If I win, don't come near my sister again. You are not allowed to use your powers in this game.  What will you do if I win? "

"Well, that's okay,"

 Nodded a little and Nishino sat up from his chair. The darts board in the corner of the counter

Then, pull out the darts that were stuck there and head to the bottom of Gabriella.

He then placed the half in front of her.

"We will throw three darts at each other and the one with the most points wins."

"All right. "

" The distance between us is about two or three meters. She looked at this and then stood up. "

"It's boring at this distance. Let's put some more distance between us. "

"I don't mind, but are you that confident in your darts? "


"Are you afraid to lose ? "

 "Okay, okay."

Buy words for sell words.

 After confirming that Nishino nodded, Gabriella hung the dartboard on the door of the bar and showed it to him. 

 The barten screams from the other side of the counter as he witnesses the situation .

 "Hey, what are you going to do if a customer comes in ? "

 "Isn't it okay for a few minutes when the sun goes down ? "

Marquis, who is vulnerable to Gabriella, closed his mouth without any help.

Fortunately, Gabu turns to Nishino and picks up the darts from the counter. 

"Now, let's get started. "

"I'm going to give you the first shot. "

"Let's see how long you can afford it."

 I'll give you the first shot. As soon as her fingers left the barrel, what Marquis had feared happened.

The door of the shop, where the dartboard was hanging, suddenly opened. Rose appeared from outside the shop, carrying a supermarket shopping bag.

 "Hello, Nishino-kun, ......"


The darts thrown by Gabriella pierced the forehead. 

Rose's eyes are opened by an unexpected stimulus. 

It was reflected in the eyes, and Gabriela, which just threw darts now, the order to hand the arrow in her side's Nishino waiting for the number.

They both stare at Rose and have an indescribable expression on their faces.

Marquis abandoned everything and decided to retreat to the back of the store.



  1. By the way, thanks for translating this novel, i really like tour work, please don't stop translating this novel .


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