Graduation trip 14 [UPDATED Ver 3.0]


We improved the chapter with a better translation if you find a page with no context please contact us on our discord server found on the [IMPORTANT INFO] post. 

 It's about to pass 3:00 a.m.

Nishino and his friends returned to the hotel after the commotion with the hoodlums. All of them were exhausted and wanted to go back to their rooms quickly to sleep. Especially Nishino and Tarosuke, who had wounds all over his body, were in a rather uncomfortable situation. I was greeted in front of my room, Francisca says.

" Oh, you're late ... "

There was Takeuchi-kun beside her for some reason.

In his hands is a souvenir wine purchased at the airport in Athens the day before yesterday.

It's a very expensive wine, and it's a few years old. It was wrapped in a wooden box when I bought it, but I pulled it out in my room.

But the destination of those bottles is also lost, and with a poke, he asks. 

"What? Why is Nishino here ... "

His line of sight goes back and forth between Nishino and his friends. 

"Taro-san ? And Rose-chan, why are you with Nishino ...? "

I don't wonder why I was the only one who the chairwoman didn't mention.


A 17-year-old maiden who feels a little lonely.

Leaving her feelings behind, the conversation goes on without permission.

The conversation goes on by itself. I got picked up by a young girl because you didn't come home often. 

"You are such a sinful man for making such a nice girl wait for you! This is so unbelievable!" 

"Stop it Takeuchi I won't allow you to keep talking."

Francisca barked ridiculously.

She also understood that Nishino cherishes his classmates.

" ...... Francisca ? "

Nishino frowned at this.

She stared at the other person with a suspicious look.

Thanks to her, the tension is rising.

"That's why, do you want the boy to come back to the room ? "  

"Eh ? Do you know Nishino ? "

" Yeah ? We're on vacation together."


"Eh ... "

Francisca talks with a lustrous smile.

It was hard to think she was lying when she said this. 

Although she is not very useful in the battlefield, she was terrible at exchanges between men and women.

If the other party is in the middle of a teenager, it will be the only one.

It is a power play that makes good looks say things , not to mention that further conversation is troublesome .

She wasn't as sleepy as Nishino, but she seemed to be sloppy, counting more than 20 hours from her last sleep .

"You wouldn't let your sister cheat on you in front of your boyfriend, would you?"

"Eh ... my boyfriend, uh, that's ... "

Francisca can't stop complaining.

Thanks to this, the situation is very uninteresting for Takeuchi-kun.

Because he is pampered by those around him on a regular basis, he is more comfortable with the heliocentric theory than with the geocentric theory. 

The rejection was a surprise to me. It seems that when he went to work for her, he had some confidence that he could do well.

So he moved to maintain this place, temporarily shifting the topic.

"Well, why is Taro-san with Nishino ? "

The person who asked the question was not Taro-san, but Francisca.


Takeuchi is very good at these things. 

"Huh? Uh, yeah." 

Even the crotchety old lady can't fake Tarosuke's presence. She is at a loss for words because she made a rapid-fire excuse.

In that case, Tarosuke, who is the person in question, will send a help ship to this.

Immediately after confirming Francisca's embarrassed appearance, she opens her mouth while pretending to be calm.

It's quite difficult to evaluate the posture of the person leaning on Nishino's shoulders, but that's just the way it is now, and I've decided it can't be helped. 

"It's just another coincidence, isn't it?" 

"Are you guys okay?" 

"Yes, but that's because of you, Taro!" 

"You're injured! There's a lot of blood on your trousers and I've called an ambulance." 

"It's not a big deal..."

"Not big deal. Sleeping overnight will cure you. "

" Hahaha," 

Laughing lightly and answering.

Actually, Tarosuke,  had been in so much pain that he wanted to cry since the taxi ride. He is the one who wants to go to bed more strongly than anyone else. I couldn't have been more eager to get out of there as soon as possible with the goal in sight.

" I see ... "


"For now, take a break for today."

"We'll take care of all this police business and stuff like that. It's a trip, right?"

There may have been a few mishaps, but I think we should put the bad stuff behind us and get ready for tomorrow's sightseeing

" ... Alright."

Takeuchi lost momentum when he was told by Tarosuke.

However, the expression of disapproval remained unchanged.

Now, the hot owner had stood in front of him.

It was obvious to everyone that she was looking for a one-night stand.

It started with Suzuki's story of an orgy he experienced on his trip to Hawaii last night, which inspired him to tell it to his friends. It was only a few minutes ago that I decided to go hunting with great enthusiasm, because I had to experience it myself.

I was fully prepared to have sex with him. Before I told Suzuki-kun that I wasn't going to come home tonight, and I couldn't just break the news. It's not a good idea to have this kind of thing prevented by a burglar. 

With his high self-esteem helping him, he naturally sought an outlet for his frustration.


"What's the matter? Do you still want me to do something? "

As a result, he locks on the person who is probably in the weakest position in the room. No one else.


"Nishino. I don't know how it actually is, but that's what Takeuchi-kun is supposed to do."

Francisca, her speech is more modest compared to usual.

"I mean, Nishino, did you really have such a beautiful girlfriend?"

"Until the cultural festival , I didn't have a girlfriend"

"It's amazing how quickly you've been together."

"Let's celebrate!"

"I don't think it's possible."

The reason for the smooth and flowing words is the high communicative power.

He doesn't seem to think that there is a real relationship between Francisca and Nishino.

It is natural if the facial deviation value is taken into consideration.

Rose is right next to Nishino. It's a good thing that he's not afraid of the fact that he's going to have a problem with her in the future if he's fixated on Francisca. This is a question to console his own self-esteem based on such a considerable calculation.

The attention of the people around him also went to Futumen at once.  In response to this, he thought. 

"What is the most important priority now?", he wondered.

The answer that came to me was to break up with Mr. Takeuchi as soon as possible. I've been involved in a lot of things, and while I've given up on the chairperson, I didn't want my classmates to know any more about my personal life.


The reason for this is that it would be a great disadvantage not only to Nishino himself, but also to his classmates. The fact that it could harm not only him, but also his classmates is something that Nishino has recently begun to worry about. Also, Tarosuke's leg injury is also very serious. Thanks to this, Futumen's decision was quick. 

"Francisca, come here for a minute. "

" What? "

"Come because it's okay"

A beautiful blonde woman who was responding to Takeuchi-kun, waiting through the door.

The Futsumen call out to me in how impudent his words and actions were. However, Francisca was in no way offended and walked straight up to him. 

"The reason for this is that the exchange between her and Nishino is always like this."

" ...... What?"

He looks at the blonde beauty and tilts his head questioningly .

It's a kind of cute.

With that figure in front of him, Nishino acted uncharacteristically. 



He grabs her chin and puts his own lips on hers. 

Francisca's eyes widen at the unexpected act. Her eyes widen at the sight of her hand, and her whole body shakes violently, forgetting that she can't even remove it. With both hands stretched out, it was as if an electric current had been sent through her from her brain to her feet.

Watching the situation, Rose and Shizui's reaction is also remarkable. 


''Ni, Nishino-kun!'' 

The former, in particular, seems to be more intensely surprised than the person whose lips are on his own. 

He has his eyes wide open and is crunching and moving his mouth without a sound. In the middle of the taxi ride, sweat, which had begun to recede as a result of being exposed to the air conditioner, oozes out again and lines my forehead in droplets. The kiss went on for more than ten seconds. All the while, I could hear Francisca's slight gasp, echoing in the silence. 


The saliva threaded and stretched in response to the lips being parted. 

"Do you believe me now? "


For some reason, her cheeks were dyed in a color that didn't look like her.

You can't hear her scream, or even complain. 

" ...... Ah, ah"

Takeuchi-kun couldn't say anything else either. 

"It's not a good idea for me to tell you this, but I'd like to see you in your room." 

"It's not my place of business, but it's also very late at night." 

"I don't want to be asked to stay up until morning when I'm traveling. I'm tired anyway. "

The light-heartedness of the slap when you should have stopped it was a break on an important part of your opponent.

The handsome man's pride is now in the woodwork. 

"Come on, Francisca."

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm going," 

"Can we go?"

"It's not just a matter of time before you're ready to go." 

Francisca continues to snuggle Nishino, who is cynical as usual.


Compared to her usual bullish girlfriend, the expression on the face of the woman in the photo is much more mature and somewhat more ecstatic than her usual bullheadedness. The unconscious gaze wandered in the direction of the day after tomorrow, and then glanced to the Futumen.

As it was, he and she disappeared into the room. As I watched them leave, I heard the sound of teeth clenching. The sound of teeth grinding could be heard as they left. And then there was the sound of something being crunched. And then, finally, the sound of something being crunched.

Yeah, that's Rose's way of taking calcium. 

The chairwoman of the committee pulls back a half-step when he sees the strange behavior of the woman standing next to him. It seems that she has understood the act that took place in her mouth. 

"Nishi-kun, Nishi-kun, Nishi-kun, Nishi-kun, Nishi-kun, Nishi-kun,"

The words that are repeatedly muttered are unreasonable only to the nearby Shimizu.

" ... What's more, this, this, this child ... "

Tears. The line of sight was staring at Rose, as if looking at the filth that had fallen on the street.

In this situation, Takeuchi could not persist. He lost two of the places he should have attacked at the same time, and he realized that he could not achieve his original goal.


So he quickly moved his target to the next stage.

In search of a partner for this evening, his consciousness goes to Rose. After announcing to Suzuki-kun that he won't return until morning, he couldn't possibly return to his room empty-handed. I need at least one souvenir. The pride of being a handsome man representing the school makes you mutter the following words of your own accord

"So, well then Rose-chan, will we also not return to the room ? "

And hung lightly the liquor bottles in hand,  while having the shiniest smile.

However, she already has nothing in her eyes except Nishino.

Rose followed Nishino, telling him

''I'm sorry? I have a few things to talk to him about,"

I never looked back on the handsome guy.

Not even a glance at each other. 

I rushed past in front of Mr. Takeuchi and fluttered, and disappeared behind the door.

"Ah, hey, you ... "

Tarosuke screamed. By you, he meant Rose. It seems that she had a glimpse of madness in her eyes. A handsome guy who is more sensitive than Takeuchi Therefore, I was worried when I witnessed Nishino or Rose, who could stab Francisca.


"Tarosuke-san, I'll lend you a shoulder."

"Oh, Thank you. I'm saved."

Shimizu lends his shoulders on behalf of Nishino, perhaps noticing his heart. It is unbearable to have casualties from my classmates . The title as chairwoman may also have an influence.

The ridiculously active personality made a step forward. The two also follow Rose. I quickly enter the room. Thanks to that, Takeuchi was the only one left behind.

" ... Hey, hey, what's this. What's going on?"

The tightly clenched fist quivered in small steps .

The people who overcame Takeuchi-kun were in a turmoil immediately after returning to the room.

"Hey Nishino, why is this kid here ... "

The people who went to the living room encountered a Gothic Lolita girl who was on the sofa.


It was. Since she was the cause of the disturbance, Tarosuke began to make a fuss as soon as he saw her. It was a natural reaction.

He suddenly raised his voice so loudly that even Shimizu, who had been lending him a shoulder, was surprised. I'm not sure if I've ever seen it before. 

"It's not that I don't know what to do with it, but it's more like I was abducted without knowing why," she said, while he barked at her. 

"Sister, would you like to take a shower with me? I'm sweating." 

"Go ahead and drown on your own." 

"I'm sorry."

I still can't move, as usual. The posture lying on the couch is the same as it was when Nishino and the others left. Still, she is moving her head up and is chasing after Rose's whereabouts. The silver-haired Lolita is neck and neck with the blonde Lolita.

There was another man in an unfamiliar suit sitting across from her. There was a large bag sitting next to him. It was the doctor Francisca had called. He was in his mid-forties, with short blond hair and blue eyes, like a westerner.

"Francisca, take care of this guy."

"What? Oh, yeah."


"It's a serious wound. We can't leave him alone for much longer."

He points at Tarosuke with his chin and says. 

"Nishino, wait a minute. I'll explain." 

"Do it all later, you need to get it fixed first. Your leg is going to die."

"Eh ... Really ? "

"I'm serious."

 Amidst the aloofness of Nishino, Tarosuke easily judged that the injury he had suffered was not so serious. I didn't think that life in a wheelchair was imminent. 

" ... "

Twitching his face, the handsome guy heard what he said obediently.

The patient was taken by the doctor to the bedroom adjacent to the living room. His face was pale. For the convenience of lending him a shoulder, Shimizu would be attached to this. However, once Tarosuke was lying on the bed, there was nothing else to do. You will find that you will be able to get a good idea of what you are looking at, but you will not be able to do anything about it. On the other hand, Nishino sat down on the sofa, replacing the doctor who had gone looking for Tarosuke.


Besides him, Rose, Francisca, Shimizu, and Goth Lolita girl are in the living room. Rose and Francisca sit on both sides of Nishino.

Sense a special propensity of silver-haired Lolita is in face-to-face chairperson not solutions, I sat down without any resistance collection next to it.

This moment is the first time they meet. He had no idea that the girl sitting next to him was the one who had planned the kidnapping of his classmate. 

"When do you expect to ship that woman out?"

Nishino asked Francisca.

"In a couple of hours, I think."

" I'm still thinking about that kind of procedure."

Francisca responds to his light talk with a more tense look than usual. I can't help but notice that she has been reacting strangely since I kissed her earlier. 

"It's a shame. I would have liked to spend more time with my sister."

"I'd rather leave you as soon as possible." 

"If you're not, could you come with me?" 


"We'll give you great food and drink. "


A girl who doesn't really listen to people. 

The girl who was talked about is in love with Rose. Thanks to that, she is acclaimed and stressful even if she wants to talk to Nishino. While doing so, Futsumen stood up. Francisca, who was curious, asks if she was offended by the series of exchanges.

"Do you need to go somewhere else? "

"I'm going to check to see if a room is available. I'm sleepy, for goodness sake. Glancing at Rose, he says, "

"I'm sure there's someone else. Do you want to sleep in my bed, then? I'll give you a nice service until morning." 

"Don't make this joke. I'm still uncomfortable with your spit in my mouth."  

"That was a good first time, wasn't it? 

If I hadn't done that, Takeuchi-kun wouldn't have backed down. You can't let the situation be known. If it is done poorly, it will involve your classmates in danger. That's all. 


"I have no intention of doing so. " 

" Oh, I don't deny that it's the first time. "

" ... .... "

As if he couldn't deal with them any longer, Nishino's eyes went to the bedroom attached to the living room, where Tarosuke was being treated on the bed in question. There, on the bed in question, Tarosuke is being treated. Every time a syringe or something else is thrust into him, he grunts and groans a little bit. Judging that the treatment is progressing without a hitch, the Futumen starts to walk away. Its feet leave the room early. After leaving the living room, the sound of a door opening and closing could be heard in the living room where everyone was staying. The sound of the door closing in the corridor echoed in the living room where everyone was staying.

Making sure his footsteps were completely away, Rose opened her mouth. 

'Hey, it's not like that, is it?" She was the one who, unusually, did not follow Nishino. The person who asked the question was right next to herself, Francisca. 

"What are you talking about? You had your eyes on him until the very end, didn't you?"


"So what do you mean ?"

"Usually, I don't care."

With a cold look, she stares at the obasan. She too wouldn't normally look so seriously at Francisca.

That's why they are able to accurately assess the changes in the other person and do not hesitate to point this out. 

"He's Asian, isn't he? He's Asian, right? "

"Yes, he is"

Francisca muttered curtly and got up from the couch. Her steps lead to the dining room and kitchen facing the living room. She grabbed a can of beer from the fridge and sealed it vigorously with a push. He gulps down half of the beer in one gulp to cool his burning body.

Rose continues to stare at her relentlessly.

 "Oh, Ro, Rose, I have something to ask ... "


Shimizu modestly asked if it was time for him to speak.

"I'm sorry, but could you please do it later ? "

" ... Sure"

The person in the lowest position right now was the chairwoman.

Losing his place in the living room, the chairwoman left the crotchety old lady's room without speaking to anyone or being approached.

It was the chairperson who moved quickly to seek her bed, saying she was tired for the day. However, as soon as she left the room, she realized her fatal mistake. She didn't know where the room that Takeuchi-kun booked was located at all.

Furthermore, my phone was submerged in water and stopped working. It was difficult to get in touch with them. Nevertheless, the clever chairwoman never gave up and went to the front desk of the hotel. He went to the front desk of the hotel to ask them to check his hotel book. He didn't want to go to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. This is a revenge for the experience of failing to order tea at the cafe during the day. Here's the chairwoman's digest.


As soon as she reached the reception counter, she struck first. 

"Pen-please, Pen-please."

 I used my English power, which used to be awesome, to get a writing instrument. I can't talk about it, but I can write about it. I'm not ashamed to be such a typical Japanese and communicate with them.

If you talk, you lose. If you speak, you lose. She was a rather confident chairperson if she could move her hands instead of her tongue in the written word. However, she failed in her mission. The room they finally managed to get out of was the one Tarosuke had used for filming. The hotel must have been impressed by the large number of Asians that showed up for the shoot. The night shift staff dealt with Tarosuke's clients based on the assumption that he was a member of the film crew. By the time he gave up the talk, he had already lost.

And now she's going to end up without a place to stay. 

"What do I do?"

With nowhere else to stay, she trotted back to the front desk. She sat down on the sofa at the entrance and sighed loudly, "I'll just have to spend the night here. You will be able to see that you will have to spend the night here, and the image of your poor health is particularly irritating to your exhausted body and mind.

Suddenly, such a voice was delivered to her unexpectedly, a voice that she had recently become accustomed to hearing.  

"Can't you sleep? Chairwoman."


" ... "

When I turned around, I saw Nishino there. It's a good thing that you're not a fan of this guy again. It's not hard to believe that we are so well connected with each other. Before the school festival, she had never spoken to any of her classmates, but in just a few weeks, she had more and more opportunities to communicate with them. 

"I'm sleepy."

The stressful environment naturally made her words harsher. 

"What's the matter with you?" 

"No. No, I just... "

It's hard to say that she was lost, even if she could not speak. 

At least Nishino opponent, it was to say absolutely not rather is the pride of her as a woman.

He holds up a bottle of liquor in one hand and shows me where he got it.

" ...... Hmm ? "


My face is swollen and sore from being beaten by the man in the suit, so this was a drink to cover it up. Incidentally, he wears an eye patch in his left eye. I got it from a doctor that Francisca called. He is a bit of a lonely guy, but he has taken off his favorite sunglasses. The chairperson looks at him with a bored look on her face. She recalled a time when she had visited with Takeuchi-kun, Matsuura-san and Rose. 

You can see someone peeking through the front door of the same room.

Looking at her behavior, Nishino thought.

"Why is she at the entrance alone?"

"It's been a long time since the night has already passed. To a young girl go out alone"


I had a lot of thoughts about the distance between the two. Maybe that's why the arm was moving on its own.

He reached into his trouser pocket and removed the key to his hotel room, which had been newly seized by the men. He reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a hotel room key, from which the Futumen had obtained a new one. He had just negotiated with the receptionist to get a room where he would be staying tonight. This was his hotel room for the night. Moreover, it was the only empty room left in the hotel.

I released it toward Shimizu with a casual gesture.


"Eh ? "

She was unilaterally thrown a key, opened her hands and grabbed it in a hurry.

"Hey, hey, suddenly ! "

"It's a make-up that I got involved in trouble."

"Uh, make up ... this is the key to the room ... "

As soon as I say it, Nishino returned his heels. He walked outside of the hotel with a liquor bottle 

When the chairwoman confirmed the number, the key stated that it was Room 901.


"Wait, wait ! "

" ... what ? "

Looking back on Futsumen who was about to go outdoors.

"Where are you going to sleep ? "

" I'll take a walk for a while."

" ... ... "

Her behavior does not seem to be the usual chairwoman.

"You don't have to leave Nishino ! "

"The room is double..."

" ... "

Tonight she was a little weird.

The lack of sleep and fatigue, and even more time in the foreign country from getting lost that overlaps, is feeling a little bit had become high.

Perhaps that's why she keeps making suggestions that she would never normally say .


"I don't mind! "

"Do you have at least one couch?"

"I have one. "

"Then we're good. Let's go! Let....'s go!"

When they got there, he and she started arguing again in the room. 

"So, I said I'm fine on the couch. "

"Why don't you at least look in the mirror, my dear? "

"You look awful, don't you? "

"You're a wounded man, you should listen to me quietly. "

Nishino, as usual, does not listen to the chairwoman of the committee. Nishino's attitude makes Shimizu uncomfortably angry, and she is getting more and more heated. After a series of questions and answers, she stepped out.

"Then this is how it's done!" 


He said as he shouted and his hand took Nishino's arm. And himself lay down at his side as well. It's not enough to make you face to face, and you will naturally turn your back to your opponent. But even so, the situation that she and he have reached is, for all intents and purposes, sleeping together. It's just the two of us can barely sleep! 

"You can't do that, can you? "

"You can't call it a double." 

"Cause I'm going to bed! I'm already awfully sleepy! Ok! "

The chairwoman of the committee speaks one way and tries to force himself to sleep. We lie down on the narrow bed with our backs to each other. A thin duvet was fluffed on top of it. 

"And, heh, heh, if you do anything weird, I'll scream out loud!" 


" ... I understand . Thank you, chairwoman."

"So, I don't need to thank you ! "


Nishino decided to accept the unremarkable kindness given by the chairwoman.

It was the happiest event for him in the last few days.



  1. Once again thanks for the translation, really happy to be able to read this again

    I'm so happy at this development of course fk shizumu I'm fully for the rose ship but even tho shes had next to no character development its good to know she ain't rotten.

    This bastard nishino he never fails to keep up the act xD i get that he admires hard workers but wish he stopped looking at only the convenient things already

  2. man i am really trying but some parts are really hard to understand. Especially the He's and She's that are in the wrong place.


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